Achieving growth in the digitalised economy
Achieving growth in the digitalised economy
I recently have been in discussion with a technology company offering end-to-end digitalisation to large companies. We made some cogent points about achieving growth in the digitalised economy:
Customer experience will be more important than operations efficiency in delivering sustainable growth (digitalised operations will become commoditised)
The ability to shape experiences with digitalisation will create value – and we can argue that this applies across the value chain – experiences shape behaviours and patterning of collective behaviours
The compelling proposition will come from understanding this and it is an area in which it is still possible to genuinely compete
Having acquired a leading applied design business, they see the ” … benefits of end-to-end innovation offerings that integrate applied design thinking in the fuzzy customer-facing front end, as well as middle office business processes and back office IT applications …”.
In the following chart I offered a dynamic view that can illustrate […]