1001, 2018

Achieving growth in the digitalised economy

Achieving growth in the digitalised economy

I recently have been in discussion with a technology company offering end-to-end digitalisation to large companies. We made some cogent points about achieving growth in the digitalised economy:

Customer experience will be more important than operations efficiency in delivering sustainable growth (digitalised operations will become commoditised)
The ability to shape experiences with digitalisation will create value – and we can argue that this applies across the value chain – experiences shape behaviours and patterning of collective behaviours
The compelling proposition will come from understanding this and it is an area in which it is still possible to genuinely compete

Having acquired a leading applied design business, they see the ” … benefits of end-to-end innovation offerings that integrate applied design thinking in the fuzzy customer-facing front end, as well as middle office business processes and back office IT applications …”.

In the following chart I offered a dynamic view that can illustrate […]

1401, 2015

Commissioning in health and social care: Action Learning as a process to support leaders dealing with complexity and change

Posted by Stephen on January 13, 2015 on  Action Learning Associates Blog

Reflecting on the current winter crisis in the NHS, manifesting in ‘critical incidents’ being declared by a number of Hospital Trusts, I was reminded how complex ‘leading’ in the NHS has become. The focus of this article is on how action learning can provide a powerful process to support NHS commissioners as they grapple with complexity, change and difficult choices.

Dealing with complexity and change in NHS commissioning

Working in 2014 with a number of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) leaders on strategy development and service model design, I could see the real challenges of prioritising resources today with the need to implement whole system change over the next five years in order avoid the kind of crises we are hearing about this winter. Whilst grappling with budget limitations and in some cases inherited deficits, CCGs’ own resources are limited. CCG leaders are stretched, working across portfolios and are […]

1911, 2014

Models of action learning supporting business change projects

At a recent session of Action Learning Facilitators Forum (ALF) I ran a session on project-based action learning which examined how action learning can be integral to a business change programme (see previous blog “What comes first, the project or the Set?”) The second part of our workshop explored two models of action learning that can be used as integral to a business change programme and which supports delivery of change projects.  Groups explored the models concentrating on the following questions: What are the strengths of each model? What questions do they raise about the application of action learning? What’s the role of the ‘facilitator’?

My blog on this was published by my colleagues at Action Learning Associates and can be found Here

1911, 2014

“What comes first, the project or the set?” – project-focused action learning

I recently ran a session on project-based action learning for the Action Learning Facilitators Forum (ALF) with some 20 people.  We had a lively dialogue about how to construct a learning process around complex change projects, and how action learning can be integral to a business change programme. My blog on this was published by my colleagues at Action Learning Associates and can be found Here.